  • Solution for the smog problem

  • Autonomous drone swarm

  • Artificial intelligence in the service of the environment

Smart drone swarm

Intelligent control system for swarm of drones. Both, typycal drones and dedicated platforms can be used for swarm flights as well. It is a new standard for air pollution observation.

Our offers

Miniature sensors

The MapAir sensor is a proprietary solution of the LTA Design company. The device measures six selected chemicals, in the basic configuration they are: suspended dust (PM1; PM2.5; PM10), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), formaldehyde (CH2O), volatile organic compounds (benzene C6H6), ozone (O3).

A swarm of drones

The MapAir drone system is a matrix method of measuring air pollution using a swarm of drones. Simultaneous measurement at many points gives a real image of the source of the problem, eliminating the disturbances resulting from the displacement of air masses. Drones perform three types of measurements: matrix, cylindrical and linear.


Geoportal is a place where all measurement data is presented in the form of interactive pollution maps. You will learn about the current level of pollution, and you will learn how the air quality in your area changes over time.

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